We will be holding our first Network Event for the HDI funded Countermeasures project “Giving children better control over how they’re observed by digital sensors” on Friday 5th February. This event will be a chance for members of our project network, including Royal College of Art, University College London, Glasgow School of Art, Dubit, Technology Will Save Us, Projects by If, Kids Know Best, BBC, and Glück Workshops, to meet and discuss the key themes of Kids, Technology, and Data Ethics.
The theme for the fist event is Observed/Unobserved. We will be exploring what insights we as a community of researchers and experts have already gained about how children use sensor-enabled technology, and also considering what questions and issues still need to be addressed within our different disciplines.
If you’re interesting in attending the event, tickets are available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/countermeasures-tickets-139375268179
More information about the event can be found below.